Expressive Art

Expressive Art

Everyone draws, doodling , while talking on the phone, for example. While engaged in these in these activities you are busy with selecting, simplifying and mark making. You are also engaging in observation. In everyday life we see what we have learnt and that what we...
The importance of colour

The importance of colour

We often associate colours with emotions. Colours are used to express ourselves and others, we often hear people say ” I’m feeling blue” or “it’s a blue Monday”. Colours are used to express our thoughts, physical sensations and...
The unconscious mind and colour.

The unconscious mind and colour.

Colour influences consciously and unconsciously, naturally and synthetically. The sky is blue, the grass is green, the red stop sign and the yellow robot light. Colour can stimulate our emotions and it can motivate our decisions. Colour can be used to visualise and...